Sunday, May 27, 2012

YouTube of the day 2012/05/23

 BP Coverup, Coverup
 The Breakdown of a Fake AV Scammer
 Montreal Protests: Anti-Protest Bill 78 Passes 'worst law' since War Measures Act
 Educational Strike in Spain Brings Hundreds of Thousands Into the Streets
 May 23rd: Police Attack CUTV's Journalist & Kettled Protesters
 TUESDAY MARCH 20 Student Protest Recap

Friday, May 25, 2012

YouTube of the day 2012/05/22

 We want NATO ended': Thousands march in Chicago
 Rand Paul's Gay Marriage Joke
 For Randy nelsondj0180movie
 The Speech That Will Change The Course Of American History - Ron Paul In New Hampshire
 Romney Obama the Same?
 Cardboard Shredding: Baled (P)
 Ron Paul takes Republican Party of Minnesota by storm
 Solar "Death Ray" Melting a Saw Blade Steel with a 65" Spot Fresnel Lens Obsidian
 God is not good - Part 3a - Objective morality with William Lane Craig
 Vicious spiral of decline: Germany leads Europe into a worse crisis'
 Nuclear Isotope Identification - Why Is something Radioactive?
 Obama wants to continue wiretapping Americans
 RAW 250,000 Massive Montreal Rally marks 100 days of Student Protests

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

YouTube of the day 2012/05/20

Working 4 days this week, less YouTube than normal..

 Surveillance Drone Spotted Near Chicago - For NATO Summit?
 Terrasse du bar St-Bock attaquĆ©e par des policiers
 Believers Are More Likely To..... 2 of 2
 Crushing Bahrain revolution crucial to war plans against Iran'
 Venomfangx coming to NYC -attn Josh Sofaer of Jews for Jesus
 Ron Paul: Taking over GOP delegates
 Romney: "I Stand By What I Said, Whatever It Was"
 Tribute to Richard Dawkins: We Are Going to Die
 Grexit: Army on streets & border shutdown'
 Edward Tarte--I start a new series of weekly videos
 5/19/2012 -- East coast tropical storm?! = SC, GA, FL -- offshore heading WSW
 Hasta la vista US: Mexicans wave goodbye as crisis deepens
 Obama PUNKS North Carolina (Amendment 1)
 Noam Chomsky to RT: Bush torturer, Obama just kills
 Noam Chomsky on WikiLeaks, Obama's Targeted Assassinations and Latin America's Break From US
 Alarming Discussion with Professor Noam Chomsky Regarding Our Nation and World
 Earth The Power Of The Planet - Earth
 Richard Dawkins - The Big Debate 1/6
 Richard Dawkins - The Big Debate 2/6
 Richard Dawkins - The Big Debate 3/6
 Richard Dawkins - The Big Debate 4/6

 Ron Paul Speech: Our Time Has Come
 Harvard Baseball 2012 Call Me Maybe Cover
 Video: Rare 'ring of fire' eclipse seen across Asia

Sunday, May 20, 2012

YouTube of the day 2012/05/19

Been busy lately, not a lot of YouTube.. more tomorrow

 Church Sues Woman for $500k Over Negative Google review
 When Did Jesus Die?
 Believers Are More Likely To..... 1 of 2

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

YouTube of the day 2012/05/15

None for the 14th because the only two watched were for the surge suppressor post..
The volume of videos I watch daily may also decrease due to a job I recently started.

 Planet Earth's Northern Hemisphere
 Hitchens on on The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe 1 of 2
 Hitchens on on The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe 2 of 2
 MSW Shredding: Couch/Sofa (D)
 Electronic Scrap Shredding: System (Q)
 Zelda - Lost Woods (Dubstep Rap Remix by None Like Joshua prod. Ephixa)
 Big Bang Theory - Best Of Sheldon
 sheldon cooper scared leonard
 Harper's Conservatives think it should be illegal to format shift your media

Monday, May 14, 2012

Today would be a great day for everyone with precious electronic devices plugged into the power grid to check their surge suppressors and make sure they are functional. Why? Because tonight and tomorrow a corona mass ejection from the sun is expected to impact the earth from a solar filament exploding on the surface of this sun a few days ago. This year the sun is in a normal cycle of elevated sunspot activity, and every once and a while the flares cause earth directed blasts of high energy charged particles from the sun. These impact the magnetic field causing stronger than usual Aurora Borealis displays.They also induce power DC current into the AC electrical fields of our high tension power line grids. This is what a surge suppressor/protector is designed to protect against.

 How a Surge Protector Works (Medal Oxide Varistor)
 Filament Eruption & Earth Directed CME May 13, 2012
 Carrington Event ??

YouTube of the day 2012/05/13

A few interesting ones today..

 Julian Assange's The World Tomorrow: Nabeel Rajab & Alaa Abd El-Fattah (E4)
 American drones sold to undisclosed countries
 Assange Episode 4: Guest arrested days before show airs
 Arrested after Assange interview: Bahrain detains top human rights activist
 Making a Graphite Crucible.wmv
 Mark Kempton: Neighbors In Need
 2210: The Collapse? - National Geographic Channel
 TSA - the most hated profession in America?
 How To Get Anything Through TSA Nude Body Scanners
 Filament Eruption & Earth Directed CME May 13, 2012
 You are Going to Burn in Hell !!
 Iran threat overblown? Israel split over possible attack
 Backyard Foundry
 AFTERMATH : Population Zero (Full)
 Aftermath: World Without Oil . HD 720p Eng

Sunday, May 13, 2012

YouTube of the day 2012/05/12

A lot of catching up to do on my YouTube video feed..

 JPMorgan loses $2bn in hedging 'error'
 God is not good - William lane Craig - part 1
 Genocide and the flood - God is not good - with William Lane Craig - Part 2
 God is not good - Part 3 - with Josef Fritzl and William Lane Craig
 America - the painkillers nation
 Christopher Hitchens on the Origin of Religion
 Bristol Palin on Obama's Gay Marriage Support
 Chicago police spend $1 million to battle NATO protesters
 Blogger proves TSA body scanners are useless
 Internet news saved forever?
 DIY crucible cement bowl parabola mirror-like finish
 Illegal mining in Peru destroying Amazon rainforest
 An Atheist vs. Christian Scammers
 An Accurate Genesis
 Oil is like drugs
 Germans dare Greeks to kickstart Euro exit
 Wholly Crap! Vol 24 - Presuppositional Apologetics
 Galapagos : The Islands That Changed The World part 1
 Galapagos : The Islands That Changed The World part 2
 Galapagos : The Islands That Changed The World part 3
 Galapagos : The Islands That Changed The World part 4
 Galapagos : The Islands That Changed The World end
 National Geographic Islands: Galapagos
 Medical Marijuana Irrelevant To Romney
 Truth in Advertising
 God Bless America - Movie Review
 FBI wants more surveillance power
 Live in San Francisco? You Inhaled 75 MILLION Plutonium Atoms In Just 4 days
 The Obscenity of Christianity
 911 Operator Hangs Up On Girl
 AR11476 M-Class Solar Flares May 9/10, 2012
 US infrastructure crumbling in the hands of Congress
 Undercover Footage From Wyoming Pig Factory Farm
 RT America's new promo: two sides of the story
 Ron Paul tells Congress abandon Israeli aid
 Why You Should Care: Victory Day (E5)
 Full video: Red Square 2012 military parade
 North Carolina voters ban same-sex marriage
 Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart Loses Delta Ads
 FBI wants access to your Facebook
 US military, CIA out of control in Afghanistan'
 FBI framing members of Occupy?

Saturday, May 12, 2012

YouTube of the day 2012/05/02

Only two saved for this day, then will jump about a week..

 Drones hit American universities

 Playing God (BBC Documentary 2012) 720p HD

YouTube of the day 2012/05/01

A bit of backlog..

 Why You Should Care: CISPA (E4)
 United Nuclear Delivery + Uranium Ore!!!
 Anti-Matter Reactor! Fun With Nuclear Alchemy
 Radio-isotopic Analysis of Post-Fukushima Accident Japanese Soil Samples
 Lebanon seizes 150 tons of Libyan arms en route to Syrian rebels
 UK to put missiles on flats' rooftops to guard Olympics
 Pills for war thrills: 110k US troops on prescribed meds
 Cuban actors to seek political asylum in US
 Australian Mining - the REAL story
 Are we in midst of 2nd Great Depression?
 LA riots: 20 years later, not much has changed
 Police brutality too common in the US?
 May Day display: Hundreds of thousands rally worldwide
 Keiser Report: How bankers stole Labor Day (E282)

YouTube of the day 2012/04/30

I finally finished my spreadsheet, due to a nice person answering my question in the Google docs forums, so i shall contiune now to post YouTube videos ive watched:

 World's Largest Rope Swing
 OWS has right target, must sever itself as US caught in vice of no escape'
 Go the Fuck to Sleep -read by Samuel L Jackson
 strange sounds over Athens sky at 6 April 2012
 strange sounds coming from sky
 CTV News: Reports Strange Sounds Heard Around The World
 The Strange Sounds Phenomenon: A Comprehensive Chronological Compilation
 The Ten Commandments
 The Story of Creation
 Noah's Ark-God, Giraffes & Genocide
 Magic Mormon Underwear
 Judgment Day?
 After The Rapture
 Top Ten Creationist Arguments
 Top Ten Creationist Arguments-Part 2
 Scientology - Circus of the Stars
 Richard Dawkins Versus Homophobic Christians
 Gay Bullying Legal for Religious...?
 Christians Have the Right to Bully Gay Kids
 Pastor Beats Up Own Gay Son in Church
 Atheist Humiliates Christian in Abortion Debate
 Atheist Kicked Off Fox News
 Rick Santorum "Gay People Should Stop Being Gay"
 Seth Macfarlane vs Jon Stewart
 ~Family Guy Writer's Strike Clip~
 Diary of an Ex-Mormon
 The Big Questions - Is the bible still relevant today - With Richard Dawkins - Part 1 of 4 -
 The Big Questions - Is the bible still relevant today - With Richard Dawkins - Part 2 of 4 -
 The Big Questions - Is the bible still relevant today - With Richard Dawkins - Part 3 of 4 -
 The Big Questions - Is the bible still relevant today - With Richard Dawkins - Part 4 of 4 -
 Wholly Crap! Vol 22 - National Day Of Prayer
 4/30/2012 -- Large Solar filament rupture + shockwave across the surface of the sun
 Assange Episode 3: Torture & double standards of the West
 The Case Against Faith (Richard Dawkins)
 Missiles next door: London roofs on duty for safe Olympics
 4/30/2012 -- 'HAARP rings' / 'Circle sweeps' / Scalar Square outbreak = watch for 48-72 hrs
 Witchcraft More Popular Than Citizens United
 The Book of Job
 How God Favors Evil
 Social Suicide
 Rumbling Mexican volcano threatens millions
 US defends drone use for targeted killing
 MayDay protests expected to draw thousands to the streets
 4/30/2012 -- Possible tornado SW of Toronto Canada = Severe develops across USA
 Al-Qaeda's Porn Files
 Ron Paul's secret weapon - the delegates