None for the 14th because the only two watched were for the surge suppressor post..
The volume of videos I watch daily may also decrease due to a job I recently started.
Planet Earth's Northern Hemisphere
Hitchens on on The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe 1 of 2
Hitchens on on The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe 2 of 2
MSW Shredding: Couch/Sofa (D)
Electronic Scrap Shredding: System (Q)
Zelda - Lost Woods (Dubstep Rap Remix by None Like Joshua prod. Ephixa)
Big Bang Theory - Best Of Sheldon
sheldon cooper scared leonard
Harper's Conservatives think it should be illegal to format shift your media
Monday, May 14, 2012
Today would be a great day for everyone with precious electronic devices plugged into the power grid to check their surge suppressors and make sure they are functional. Why? Because tonight and tomorrow a corona mass ejection from the sun is expected to impact the earth from a solar filament exploding on the surface of this sun a few days ago. This year the sun is in a normal cycle of elevated sunspot activity, and every once and a while the flares cause earth directed blasts of high energy charged particles from the sun. These impact the magnetic field causing stronger than usual Aurora Borealis displays.They also induce power DC current into the AC electrical fields of our high tension power line grids. This is what a surge suppressor/protector is designed to protect against.
I finally finished my spreadsheet, due to a nice person answering my question in the Google docs forums, so i shall contiune now to post YouTube videos ive watched:
World's Largest Rope Swing
OWS has right target, must sever itself as US caught in vice of no escape'
Go the Fuck to Sleep -read by Samuel L Jackson
strange sounds over Athens sky at 6 April 2012
strange sounds coming from sky
CTV News: Reports Strange Sounds Heard Around The World
The Strange Sounds Phenomenon: A Comprehensive Chronological Compilation
The Ten Commandments
The Story of Creation
Noah's Ark-God, Giraffes & Genocide
Magic Mormon Underwear
Judgment Day?
After The Rapture
Top Ten Creationist Arguments
Top Ten Creationist Arguments-Part 2
Scientology - Circus of the Stars
Richard Dawkins Versus Homophobic Christians
Gay Bullying Legal for Religious...?
Christians Have the Right to Bully Gay Kids
Pastor Beats Up Own Gay Son in Church
Atheist Humiliates Christian in Abortion Debate
Atheist Kicked Off Fox News
Rick Santorum "Gay People Should Stop Being Gay"
Seth Macfarlane vs Jon Stewart
~Family Guy Writer's Strike Clip~
Diary of an Ex-Mormon
The Big Questions - Is the bible still relevant today - With Richard Dawkins - Part 1 of 4 -
The Big Questions - Is the bible still relevant today - With Richard Dawkins - Part 2 of 4 -
The Big Questions - Is the bible still relevant today - With Richard Dawkins - Part 3 of 4 -
The Big Questions - Is the bible still relevant today - With Richard Dawkins - Part 4 of 4 -
Wholly Crap! Vol 22 - National Day Of Prayer
4/30/2012 -- Large Solar filament rupture + shockwave across the surface of the sun
Assange Episode 3: Torture & double standards of the West
The Case Against Faith (Richard Dawkins)
Missiles next door: London roofs on duty for safe Olympics